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Sue Kittow

Sue Kittow Profile Photo

Author of The Rescue and Lainy's Tale

Sue Kittow is the author of The Rescue, writing as S L Rosewarne, and the sequel, Lainy’s Tail.

Sue is also a freelance journalist and author of five Cornish literary-themed walking books - Discover Cornwall, Walks in the Footsteps of Cornish Writers, Walks in the Footsteps of Poldark Walks in the Footsteps of Daphne du Maurier and Walks in the Footsteps of Rosamunde Pilcher, all published by Sigma Press and online in her 'Books' section of her website.

She lives in Cornwall with her rescue dog Lainy (who features at the end of The Rescue) and it is her that has written her own story in Lainy’s Tale. Sue also spends part of the week with her boyfriend and his rescue dog, Twig, where they walk, cycle, swim and grow vegetables. When forced indoors he is addicted to shouting at politicians on the news, the perfect excuse for Sue to write.

When not writing or training Lainy, Sue sings with The Suitcase Singers and also gives talks to anyone who will pay to listen to me talking about her work. To her surprise, many have.

Oct. 16, 2023

The Pen to Published Podcast

SERIES 6 EPISODE 3: INTERVIEW WITH AUTHOR AND JOURNALIST SUE KITTOW Are you interested in setting up a blog tour to help publicise your book? In this episode, Alexas 1 and 2 talk to author and journalist, Sue Kittow, about …

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