EPISODE 5: THE WRITING PROCESS - PART TWO To plan or not to plan? This episode is all about planning your fiction or non-fiction book, where to begin, and how to nail your plan so that you have a rock-solid platform from which to start writing.
MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS IN ADULT FICTION In another bonus Petit Pod, the two Alexas discuss whether maps and other illustrations are a good idea in adult fiction or whether they should be kept for children's books.
SERIES 6 EPISODE 3: INTERVIEW WITH AUTHOR AND JOURNALIST SUE KITTOW Are you interested in setting up a blog tour to help publicise your book? In this episode, Alexas 1 and 2 talk to author and journalist, Sue Kittow, about her writing and how she...
SERIES 6 EPISODE 5: INTERVIEW WITH REBECCA COLE, AUTHOR AND SENSORY SEWER Rebecca Cole is late-diagnosed autistic and ADHD. As a lifelong sewer, she has worked on the production team for Channel 4's Unique Boutique and was assistant sewing producer on...